
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

playground:playground [2011/02/04 02:54]
playground:playground [2011/06/05 01:29] (current)
serabel wiki tunnel go~
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 +Stupid Education wiki doesn't seem to be set to parse HTML. Now nobody will ever discover my secret wiki tunnel search for the Higgs boson. Sadface.
 +<html><iframe src="http://brokenworld.chaosdeathfish.com/playground:playground" width=100% height=480px></iframe></html>
====== PlayGround ====== ====== PlayGround ======
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 +**How to Coexist Peacefully With the Spirits**
 +Lesson One: Do not get involved with the Spirits unless you absolutely have to.\\
 +Lesson Two: Remember your diplomacy. Yelling at a Spirit is a bad idea, no matter how justified you are in doing so.\\
 +Lesson Three: Do not steal from the same Spirit twice. You will get caught. And cursed.\\
 +The Eumelos Corollary: Punching out spirits is fun. If you're strong enough, you can even get away with it.\\
 +<align center>
 +In the Teklo Senate, no-one can hear you scream...
 +<align center>
 +Behold and tremble before the entirety of the Becquerel Armed Forces!\\
 +<align center>
 +And then Caleyll was the artist...\\
 +//(Hang around with an artist long enough, you pick up a few things.)//\\
 +//(Tell me about it!)//\\
 +<align center>
 +**Own up - who opened it?**
<align center> <align center>
{{http://www.getelastic.com/wp-content/uploads/ferrett-beret.jpg}}\\ {{http://www.getelastic.com/wp-content/uploads/ferrett-beret.jpg}}\\
playground/playground.1296788080.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/02/04 02:54 by caleyll
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