Following the initial meetings of the representatives of each race, a project was embarked upon which would secure the tenuous alliance and engender co-operation between them all. They would create The Citadel.
The Navigators of the Aquienos spent months at sea and on land searching for the most auspicious location and time to begin work upon the Citadel. The Sylphim Incarnate Order fashioned a great floating isle to sit just above the land and form the focal point for all those coming to the Citadel. The Druids of the Becquerel wove a great ritual of Skira so that injuries caused within the Citadel would be negated and none could be killed within it. The Kirlsa Guardians summoned five great spirit creatures, bound to the Citadel and standing guard so that none can assault and disrupt it. Finally, the Teklo Namesmiths brought forth the Archive, a great source of information, from deep within their Mountains and have placed it permanently within the Citadel; there to act as a locus of cooperation between the peoples of Djemity.
Now that the Citadel is complete, the great Heroes of the five races come to the Council and prepare themselves for what will come.
Typically a War Council is held every three months, to allow leaders of the various races time to travel to the Citadel or send representatives, so that issues are discussed frequently, but time is not taken up with too much of dealing with other races.
The Citadel comes low to the ground in preparation for Council and can usually be climbed onto using ladders, or flown to on Sylphim ferry isles which attend each of the Race's capitals prior to the meeting.
The Becquerel's healing ritual prevents any permanent harm from coming to those attending the Council. Injuries sustained within the council chambers are healed within a matter of moments, even apparently mortal wounds leaving the victim with no ill effects.
Those who enter the Citadel suffering from injuries and ailments find the effects somewhat mitigated: pain is dampened and the wounds do not worsen from exertion, nor will a contagious disease spread.
There are limits however: the lame cannot walk, the blind cannot see and those who are carried into the Citadel with truly mortal wounds will eventually succumb.
Whilst the Becquerel ritual prevents harm to those within the Citadel, any acts of violence draw the attention of the Guardian Beasts. Several tonnes of of animated stone statue will descend upon the culprit and incapacitate them until the victim requests their release.
The Kirlsa Guardians have promised that any assault from outside the Citadel will be met with rather more severe measures.
The Archive can usually only be accessed during War Council meetings at the Citadel. Its complex nature is such that access to its valuable resources requires an Archivist, who must gather together four more Heroes. Once an individual has been involved in one search of the Archive, they may not perform or help with any further searches until the next Council of War.