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Litha'Thra'Tru'Mas- Jen M

Player: Jen M
Email: litha@djemity.chaosdeathfish.com
Caste: Explorer Fleet

Her bones are all of coral made
those are pearls that were her eyes
nothing of her that fades
but suffers a sea-change
into something rich and strange.

After nearly a decade comatose after a curious incident in the Western Ocean, the High Admiral's aunt awakes to find the world desperately in need of her talents. Shaking the dream-webs from her head, she jumps into the fray, hoping that the one-two punch her family packs will be enough to turn the tide, and praying she can get her head around the massive changes to the world.

bio/litha.1296084714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/01/26 23:31 by joe
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