Table of Contents



Race: Aquienos
Caste: Home Fleet
Flaw: Harik'Di is a workaholic, often letting his family life suffer, and this puts a strain on his relationship with his wife and children. He wants to spend time with them, and loves them deeply, but can't help putting the needs of the Armada first.
Achievement: Harik'Di is the First Mate on the Tomaus, and has been instrumental in the reforms that have been put through, as well as being a key player in the unification movement.
Motivation: Harik'Di wants to see a more unified Aquienos Armada, and would see the Tomaus as the leader of the Praetor Council.

Details: Harik'Di is first mate on the Praetor ship Tomaus, and a key figure in Aquinos politics. He has made enemies on his way to the top and has a strained relationship with his family, but still has the best interests of the fleet at heart. He wants the Armada to withstand the coming conflict with as little a loss of civilian life as possible.


Diplomat 3 (6)
Organiser 2 (3)
Researcher 2 (3)
Magic - Talith 1 (free)


Archivist (3)
Specialist: Diplomat - The Aquienos Praetor council (2)
Influence (2)

Enemy/Rival (-2) - Tuth'Revona'TruTru'Mas, Harik'Di's counterpart on the Revona, who opposes his actions in the Council at every turn in an attempt to offset the power of the Tomaus.
Obligation (-2) - Committed to the continued expansion of the Tomaus, Harik'Di is Dushal'Tomaus'Es'Fra's right hand man, and so Harik'Di is frequently asked to accomplish tasks to further his cause, be it securing votes on the Praetor council or finding information to discredit political rivals.
Bad Luck (-3) - Harik'Di has a streak of bad luck ahead of him.



Race: Becquerel
Caste: Druid
Flaw: Getofiqs is jealous of his own wares and will wish to personally profit from them or at least control and oversee their use.
Achievement: The magic brew that Getofiqs created is quite the magic potion! It is capable of inflaming and growing one's Skira greatly for a short amount of time, boosting strength, agility and wits.
Motivation: Getofiqs is motivated by a great degree of personal morality. He wants to make sure others are kept on the straight and narrow and tries to manipulate people into doing the right thing (in his opinion).

Details: Getofiqs is one of the older druids living in the Northern Tree-Tops and away from a great deal of Becquerel community. Nevertheless, there are a few dozen families in close proximity to his own abode and he does his best to steer them in the right direction. His potion is well known in that area of the forest and Becquerel covet it for its ability to help solve problems for them. Getofiqs is a jealous guardian however, and often requires services and favours in return for his help.


Magic - Knitter of Life 3 (5)
Magic - Syphon of Skira 2 (3)
Researcher 2 (3)


Enchanter (3)
Enchanted Item (3) - the Enchanted Cauldron is just part of Getofiqs' greatest achievement - it is what allows him to quickly and efficiently brew the potions and transfer the Skira into the liquid.
Tamed Beast (1) - trusted dog companion warns Getofiqs of danger and is able to defend him to some degree. Influence (1) - those Becquerel you have helped respect you and will usually be able to repay your service to them.

Incompetent Ally (-2) - Getofiqs' nephew Menhi was the very first to try out the potion. Unfortunately he did this by falling into the cauldron and consuming a great deal of the liquid. Since then, Menhi has been extremely strong, but also none-too-bright and incredibly accident-prone.
What Could Possibly Go Wrong (-3) - Brewing potions is a tricky business and Getofiqs is not beyond incredibly complicated and extensive screw-ups.
Blackouts (-2) - Getofiqs tested his potion on himself only once, but did not react well to it. Since then, he's never had another sip, but has been suffering from the occasional inexplicable black-out.


Touca the Strong

Race: Kirlsa
Caste: Warrior
Flaw: Touca's problem is her temper. She sees insult where there is none and offers immediate violence in response.
Achievement: Touca won fame when she defeated Kouros, a noted hero of a neighbouring clan.
Motivation: To win the heart of Prince Makan.

Details: Touca is a young Kirlsa Warrior eager to prove herself in the war with the Arkhivians. For a long time she has been enamoured of Makan, the second son of King Hemaltah and the opportunity to earn a reputation as a war hero is too good to miss.


Weaponsmaster 3 (6)
Ranger 2 (3)
Dungeoneer 1 (1)
Magic: Manifested Creature 2 (2)


Weaponsmaster Specialisation (2): 1 on 1 Fights
Competent Ally (2): Touca's brother Raz is a competent warrior, if not much more. He's always got his sister's back, but sometimes gets a bit jealous of her success.
Achilles' Heel (-2): Ever since a bad experience fighting a Sea Serpent where she almost drowned, Touca has been terrified of open waters. Dying in battle is one thing, but the thought of sinking ingloriously beneath the waves paralyses her completely.
Rival (-2): Kouros, another champion of the Kirlsa, has become obsessed with Touca ever since she bested him in a duel. He constantly seeks to one-up her achievements and looks for opportunities to provoke her into another duel when she's not on top form.



Race: Sylphim
Caste: Order Priest
Flaw: Greed. Despite years spent in enforced meditation on the nature of Chitha, Eashan can't help but find true happiness in worldly goods
Achievement: Eashan is one of Empress Aysa's favoured tutors and has risen to prominence with her ascension.
Motivation: To discover what beauty lies outside of Djemity and obtain it.

Details: Eashan served for several years as tutor of the Imperial family and later as a skilled facilitator of 'acquisitions'. He has accompanied several diplomatic missions to the other Races that have secured valuable works of beauty for the Imperial Court.


Magic: Air Channelling 3 (5)
Magic: Water Channelling 2 (3)
Diplomat 2 (3)
Master of Shadows (1)


Influence 2 (2)
Imperial Favour (2)
Incompetent Ally (-2): Eashan's sister Naya is a Chithana, worse yet she's a rebel, worst of all she keeps sending him terrible poems filled with anti-Imperial propaganda.
Curse (-2): A hundred years ago Eashan's great-grandmother spurned the Spirit Reys and he laid a curse upon her. Now the reflection of the accursed family is monstrous to behold, whether in a mirror or on still waters. Worse still the vile image sometimes travels to other mirrors and gives secrets to Eashan's enemies.


Dais Yos Uhuln

Race: Teklo
Caste: Scholar
Flaw: Cold. Dais is deeply driven and quietly efficient at her work. She does not suffer personal weakness in others, especially when it gets in the way of her job.
Achievement: Dais Yos Uhuln was raised up in the estimation of the Teklo People when she discovered a section of The Song of Ket Fra Uhuln blasted on to a sheer rock-face many thousands of feet up on Mount Fessen.
Motivation: To pursue lost knowledge and rediscover the full glory of the Teklo.

Details: Dais was sent to one of the most prestigious Academies at the age of ten, after her Uncle pulled no few strings, with the instructions to study hard and to bring honour to the Family. She did study hard and earned the title of Scholar a full year early. However, rather than pursuing the lucrative Representative-sponsored positions that her parents arranged for her, she joined the Bureau of Information and dedicated her life to pursuing the lost history of the Teklo.

With the return of the Enemy, Dais is convinced that new opportunities are now opened to her. She believes they may well have access to much that has been lost on Djemity itself and she intends to pursue it.


Researcher 3 (6)
Ranger 2 (3)
Weaponsmaster 1 (1)
Magic: The Words on the Page 2 (2)


Harst Fra Lee

Race: Teklo
Caste: Polité
Flaw: Ambition. From a young age, the Lee family Patriarch impressed upon Harst the absolute value of success. This has hardened Harst into a supremely ambitious individual who stop at nothing to achieve his goals.
Achievement: Until a year ago, the fortunes of the Lee family within the Polis of Shaynt were a minor political force. That all changed when Harst managed to oust Kine Yos Dow from the most secure seat in the House of Representatives. Harst's fortunes and the fortunes of his family have, since, risen meteorically.
Motivation: To pursue power and influence, for its own sake, for the exaltation of his family and for the destruction of the Dow.

Details: The Lees were once one of the Principal families of the Shaynt Polis. Their words became law, their writings were exalted above all others and all respected them. Then, the Dow family came from across the mountains from the Polis of Rent, and brought with them riches and power and they brought the Lee family low.

For three generations the Lee family were dishonoured, their words discounted and their writings ignored. For over a century, no Lee was elected to Shaynt's House of Representatives, and the Lee family were shamed.

Harst was born into the family at its lowest ebb, and from his earliest years, memories of Jat Fra Lee, the Patriarch, speaking of the Family's shame and the wrongs done to it by the Dow. Harst was brought up in the belief that scions of the Lee family are intended for greatness and that it is his duty to achieve it.

When he was of age, Harst entered politics and proved a natural. He spoke with passion and honesty about the true values of the Teklo, of Shaynt and of the perfidy of the Dow. And within a year, Harst was elected to one of the most honoured positions within Shaynt's House of Representatives. With it has come power, honour, and above all, a recognition of the words, spoken and written, of the Lee family.

But now, with the War, there are so many more opportunities opening up to Harst and he intends to make the most of them.


Diplomat 3 (6)
Organiser 2 (3)
Strategist 1 (1)
Magic: The Mastering Tongue 2 (2)
